This pass grants you access to unlimited events/sessions across the festival.
For one whole day, you will use approximately 6-8 access tokens, so the Performance Director pass allows you to attend all of the sessions/activities on all three of our themed days, plus all other workshops and activities delivered during the week.
You might choose to attend the "Lift Off" day on Sunday 23rd June at the National Speedway Centre, focusing on coaching philosophy, inclusion and #PlayTheirWay and featuring Kirk Vallis, Phoebe Schecter and Sarah Green.
The Performance Coaching evening on Wednesday 26th June at the Manchester Institute of Health and Performance, will focus on creating elite environments and maximising performance and features Paul Reddish, Pheobe Schecter and others.
The "Touch Down" day on Saturday June 29th will focus on women in sport, adults and Neuro Diversity and will feature Born Barikor, Tony Fretwell and Rachel Taylor.
A Performance Director Pass allows you to attend all of the sessions across these days, plus additional workshops and access to content throughout the week.